About Us
Become a Member of the Winnipeg Youth Orchestras!
The Winnipeg Youth Orchestras enables young musicians to expand their musical abilities while playing in a group setting. Each of the three groups provides an essential stepping stone on their journey to a lifetime filled with music.
The musical journey begins with the Youth Strings. A group with only string instruments: the violin, the viola, the cello and the bass. At this stage the group is encouraged to listen to one another and they learn that each individual instrument is essential in creating the complete sound of the orchestra.
The Youth Concert Orchestra provides a complete orchestra experience that any young musician can benefit from. The group includes the string, woodwind, brass and percussion sections.
The members of our Youth Symphony Orchestra are our most advanced musicians. They have dedicated their time, talent and abilities to music for many years. This has resulted in performance opportunities of the highest caliber, most notably as a guest orchestra for the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra on numerous occasions.
As we start our 95th anniversary season, it is time to welcome all members into this year’s exciting program. We look forward to providing support for the aspiring musicians of today and tomorrow.
Join one of the three youth orchestras and have the opportunity to…
- Learn and develop as a musician
- Make new friends
- Work with professional musicians
- Perform at the Centennial Concert Hall
- And much more!
Online Registration: Click HERE to register.
Conductor Contact Information
Youth Strings:
Cathy Lee | ys@winnipegyouthorchestras.ca
Youth Concert Orchestra:
Keith Dyrda | yco@winnipegyouthorchestras.ca
Youth Symphony Orchestra:
Andrea Bell | yso@winnipegyouthorchestras.ca